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BHK's Amino Acid Chelated Iron Tablets【Rosy Complexion】

SGD $44.42 ~ 114.36

SGD$ 27.55 ~ 55.66

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  • [Energy-Boost]Vitamin B Complex+Iron (30tabs) BHK's

    1 bag (30 tabs/bag)

    SGD $11.19

  • [Overall Nutrition] Multi-Vitamin Tablets (30 tabs) BHK's

    1 bag (30 tabs/bag)

    SGD $11.19

  • [Bone-Support]Amino Acid Chelated Calcium (30tabs) BHK's

    1 bag (30 tabs/bag)

    SGD $14.00

  • [Digestive]Plant Enzymes (30caps) BHK's

    1 bag (30 caps/bag)

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  • [Improve-Eyesight]Marigold Extract Lutein (30 sgls) BHK's

    1 packet (30 sgls/packet)

    SGD $16.81

Product details


About BHK's Amino Acid Chelated Iron Tablets

Do you often feel tired, dizzy, having a pale complexion, or have cold hands and feet?You might be iron-deficient!

3 key features to help you supply iron, restore a healthy complexion, and say goodbye to pale lips and faces:
1. Patented Ferrous Bisglycinate
Absorbed 4X better than regular iron supplements (ferrous sulfate), with quick dissolution in 30 seconds for rapid nutrient absorption.
2. Folic Acid
Supports red blood cell formation, working in tandem to boost blood health.
3. Vitamin B12
Helps maintain the health of the nervous system and blood cells.

Highly recommended for women during menstruation, those who often feel pale, fatigued, dizzy, or are pregnant.
1 tablet a day replenishes your iron levels, restores your healthy complexion, and fights fatigue!

Take 1 tablet daily after meal. For better result, take 2 tablets daily. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

BHK's Chelated Iron is a quick iron supply to stimulates haemoglobin production, fight tiredness, and treat anemia symptoms
Iron deficiency happens commonly in women which cause palec omplexion, cold hands & feet, dizziness, and low vitality.
BHK's Chelated Iron provides an instant iron supply with chelated iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12, supporting healthy red blood cell production.
BHK's Chelated Iron can satisfy iron needs in 1 tablet.
Best iron supplement for all women to take during daily or menstruation.

  BHK's Chelated Iron is highly recommended to women. 

BHK's Chelated Iron is safety inspection, No side effects, natural ingredients. 


food inspection qualified and 10 million liability insurance securedBHK's台灣第一連鎖藥妝店COSMED康是美熱銷中

BHK's Amino Acid Chelated Iron Tablets【Rosy Complexion】

SGD $44.42 ~ 114.36

SGD$ 27.55 ~ 55.66

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    1 bag (30 tabs/bag)

    SGD $11.19

  • [Overall Nutrition] Multi-Vitamin Tablets (30 tabs) BHK's

    1 bag (30 tabs/bag)

    SGD $11.19

  • [Bone-Support]Amino Acid Chelated Calcium (30tabs) BHK's

    1 bag (30 tabs/bag)

    SGD $14.00

  • [Digestive]Plant Enzymes (30caps) BHK's

    1 bag (30 caps/bag)

    SGD $19.62

  • [Improve-Eyesight]Marigold Extract Lutein (30 sgls) BHK's

    1 packet (30 sgls/packet)

    SGD $16.81