Turmeric can relieve tiredness?! Know the differences of Turmeric & Curcumin to choose a helpful & suitable Curcumin supplement. These are WHY you should pick UNIQMAN Turmeric Curcumin & Liver Extract!,BHK's x UNIQMAN 新加坡官方网站 ︱ 台湾保健NO.1领导品牌

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Turmeric can relieve tiredness?! Know the differences of Turmeric & Curcumin to choose a helpful & suitable Curcumin supplement. These are WHY you should pick UNIQMAN Turmeric Curcumin & Liver Extract!

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People nowadays have stressful and irregular lifestyle habit that causes fatigue or serious nerve tension. With the heads up on health issues in these few years, people seeking nutrients from natural ingredients for body nourishment, Turmeric is one of the hot items!


What is Turmeric?

Turmeric was a health tribute assigned by the Japanese Emperor, its unique effect is the Curcumin in turmeric. Besides anti-oxidants & improve immunity, they can also soothe tiredness, regulate body function &, etc. Curcumin has been used for medicine used for over 6,000 years, often to be discovered in India & Asia as medicine or cuisine.


What are the advantages of taking Curcumin?

1.  Energy Booster, Enhance Body Strength: Long-term consumption can strengthen body, recover the vitality.

2.  Fatigue Relief, Regulate Body Function: Besides fulfilling the body nutrients needs, a better lifestyle habit will push to have a better effect.


How to eat Turmeric for better absorption?

Curcumin is hard for human body to retain the nutrients & absorb. Experts recommend adding pepperine in Curcumin for better absorption & usage; If having Turmeric for cuisine, add some oil to cook for better absorption & usage as well.


3 Main Point on choosing Turmeric

1.  Certification Mark

 Choose ingredients with transparent & safety checked products to ensure your health. Do not purchase unsure or cheap supplement.

2. Clearly Labeled Ingredients & Dosage

Check if it’s from a natural raw material, the purity will affect the effect of the supplement.

3. Additive Ingredients

Curcumin with added of Liver Extract will synergize the effect.